Name : Mamun Prince
Phone : 88-01716056899
Email :
Job : Auditor, CSD, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Donation : BDT. 30,000/-
Occation : as Eid-ul-Fitre Zakat
Al-Yatim Welfares wish to extend sincere appreciations to you for the Love showed us and also for the Donations gave to the Children’s & Widows , which they will leave to remember.
Thank you so much and we pray that this relation ship between you and Al-Yatim Welfares is Improved much more in order to serve the many disadvantaged Children and Widows in the Bangladesh community.
God bless you. This massage also goes to all who have ever visited or heard about Al-Yatim Welfares Spirit plus those to hear about it. We Love you all very much.
Greetings from the Spirit of Orphans (Yatims) and Widows of Al-Yatim Welfares.